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The Parenting Emporium

At The Momma Club's website, there is an article I wrote on what to prepare and pack inside a momma's hospital bag.  Some moms have been asking the exact brands that I use for baby Jill so I decided to make a separate blog post for it. And also, it would be good to document these things for future reference. Yes, forward-thinking about baby number 3 already. Haha!

Most of my mommy and baby essentials were bought from The Parenting Emporium (TPE).  Did you know that when you buy from TPE, you get to give back to the community? Because TPE is a social enterprise, every purchase helps their advocacies and beneficiaries.  Founders Beng Feliciano and Maricel Cua are very generous to those who seek assistance.  Their doors are open to parents who have sick children, mommies who need breastmilk. They always support a good cause.  

TPE believes that parenthood is best shared.  Their workshops are very helpful to first time and clueless parents.  They have classes on breastfeeding, babywearing, first aid, and a lot more. 

The Parenting Emporium carry different baby and childcare products, and they are the distributor of Medela breast pumps here in the Philippines.

Below are the stuff I bought from them, as well as those I am planning to buy soon.

breastfeeding supplements
baby wipes
diaper cream
bottle wash
sterile gauze pads
nipple cream
healing balm  
breastmilk storage bags 
diaper bag 
choco mix
baby carrier
nursing wear

It's amazing how successful and far they have come since 2015. Take advantage of their anniversary sale happening tomorrow, July 3.  The TPE store is located at No. 29, 1st Street, New Manila. You may call them at 7253723.  Store hours are 8:30-5:00 on weekdays, and 8:30-2:30 on Saturdays.     

I am sure I will be adding more to my to-buy-list. Please share yours, too! Drop me an email please or feel free to leave a comment. XOXO!
