As an admin of The Momma Club, I receive random messages about all things motherhood. Moms ask for advice on various topics, while others ask for recommendation such as choice of an OB or a trusted baby product. I am happy to answer these kinds of messages as I know that in my own little way, I am able to help other mommas.
I have realized how us moms don't have qualms about sharing personal info and TMI (too much information) stuff to each other. Moms with newborns and infants would casually talk about their babies' poop and the number of diaper changes in a day.
I was not surprised when a mom asked me how to alleviate one of her pregnancy-related problems- constipation. Just like dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, gassiness, it is a common condition for pregnant mommas. I remembered my OB telling me how yogurt and chia seeds helped her have a more comfortable bowel movement. Fyi, my OB was not pregnant. She is one of the senior OB's at the hospital.

So yes, eating high-fiber food (brans, oats, vegetables, brown rice, prune and other fruits) definitely helps. Pregnant or not, we must strive to have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Moving around (walking) and doing light exercises may ease the discomfort as well.

I also discovered something recently and I wish I had it during my pregnancies- The Toilet Helper Squat Stool. I have not really been suffering from constipation, but I have found that using the stool makes it more comfortable (I have tried using it for a week). Squatting is said to be the best position when doing a number 2! Straining and sitting for long periods must be avoided.

Louise, my sister and The Momma Club co-founder, gave me a good advice. Don't ignore the urge, don't put off (going to the bathroom). Sounds funny, eh? And it sounds like a mantra! Hahaha! Drinking lots of water will definitely help to have a smooth “elimination”. Anyway, I told the mom that iron supplements can make her condition worse, so better ask her OB in case she was prescribed to take iron caps. Her OB might need to change the prescription.
Pregnancy can really bring out some nasty experiences and conditions for us moms. But the troubles are all worth it. Upon setting our eyes on our beautiful bundles of joy, we will forget those hardships and challenges we encountered while carrying our children inside our wombs.
The Toilet Helper Squat Stool will be available in All Home stores this month for P1399. To order, click on this link
This product is not for pregnant women only, it's for the whole family especially the elderly. Health is wealth, mommies!
Images courtesy of The Toilet Helper.
I have realized how us moms don't have qualms about sharing personal info and TMI (too much information) stuff to each other. Moms with newborns and infants would casually talk about their babies' poop and the number of diaper changes in a day.
I was not surprised when a mom asked me how to alleviate one of her pregnancy-related problems- constipation. Just like dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, gassiness, it is a common condition for pregnant mommas. I remembered my OB telling me how yogurt and chia seeds helped her have a more comfortable bowel movement. Fyi, my OB was not pregnant. She is one of the senior OB's at the hospital.

So yes, eating high-fiber food (brans, oats, vegetables, brown rice, prune and other fruits) definitely helps. Pregnant or not, we must strive to have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Moving around (walking) and doing light exercises may ease the discomfort as well.

I also discovered something recently and I wish I had it during my pregnancies- The Toilet Helper Squat Stool. I have not really been suffering from constipation, but I have found that using the stool makes it more comfortable (I have tried using it for a week). Squatting is said to be the best position when doing a number 2! Straining and sitting for long periods must be avoided.

Louise, my sister and The Momma Club co-founder, gave me a good advice. Don't ignore the urge, don't put off (going to the bathroom). Sounds funny, eh? And it sounds like a mantra! Hahaha! Drinking lots of water will definitely help to have a smooth “elimination”. Anyway, I told the mom that iron supplements can make her condition worse, so better ask her OB in case she was prescribed to take iron caps. Her OB might need to change the prescription.
Pregnancy can really bring out some nasty experiences and conditions for us moms. But the troubles are all worth it. Upon setting our eyes on our beautiful bundles of joy, we will forget those hardships and challenges we encountered while carrying our children inside our wombs.
The Toilet Helper Squat Stool will be available in All Home stores this month for P1399. To order, click on this link
This product is not for pregnant women only, it's for the whole family especially the elderly. Health is wealth, mommies!
Images courtesy of The Toilet Helper.
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