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The Wonder Weeks

I am not a first-time mom, but there are times when I feel like one.  There's a lot of things that I still don't know, mommy things that I am not confident of.  Or maybe things I have forgotten- pregnancy brain and mommy brain are for real, I swear!  I turn to mommy friends for advice and compare notes with them.  Topics vary from breastfeeding, to our reviews about baby and mommy products, to babywearing, sleep training, and to all things motherhood related. I have found out that most of the time, we are just on the same boat- clueless and unsure.  After all, each child is different, and even veteran moms experience challenges too.  Just a few days ago, a mom friend asked me for advice on how to put her baby to sleep.  The mom rocks the baby to sleep for an hour or so; and the moment she puts her on the crib, the baby cries.  I wanted to help, but almost everything I suggested, the mom has already done and tried.  So we just concluded that sooner or later, that stage of fussiness and clinginess will be over.

As for me, I find that taking care of a newborn is easier this time.  Maybe that's how it goes the second time around? And probably because baby J has a different temperament than my firstborn.  Over all, the first few weeks after giving birth were okay eventhough I encountered breastfeeding challenges (will write about this on a separate post).

But one day, Baby J suddenly transformed- she cried almost nonstop.  She was irritable and hard to comfort.  I suddenly remembered the "leaps" and "wonder weeks" that my  mom friends used to mention so I googled it.  And to my amazement, it was the accurate description of my predicament.  I have started reading the book and I am finding it useful so far.

It was good to be reminded that my baby's fussiness is not permanent.  And that instead of being annoyed or resentful, I should make her feel more secure.  My baby needs cuddles and affection during those times when she is feeling insecure and unsettled.  

So, what is The Wonder Weeks? Below info were copied from their website.


The Wonder Weeks Book

  • Gives insight in baby’s 10 major mental developmental leaps
  • Explains the fussy phases every child experiences
  • Shows when new skills can appear
  • Gives parents tools to help their baby through all phases
  • Offers parents support
  • New Research on Sleep and Leaps

Why all baby’s go through fussy phases

It’s not your imagination– all babies go through a difficult period around the same age. Research has shown that babies make 10 major, predictable, age-linked changes – or leaps – during their first 20 months of their lives. During this time, they will learn more than in any other time. With each leap comes a drastic change in your baby’s mental development, which affects not only his mood, but also his health, intelligence, sleeping patterns and the “three C’s” (crying, clinging and crankiness).

Crying, Clingy, Cranky: signs of progress!

Babies cry during a leap because they’ve reached a radical new step in their mental development. That is good: it gives them the opportunity to learn new things. The “difficult” behavior is actually a signal that great progress is underway.

Like the physical growth spurts that a child makes, the mental development of children is also made with leaps. Neurological research has shown that such leaps are accompanied by changes in the brain.


How about you mommas?  Do you have any go-to resource about motherhood or parenting? Please share! Feel free to leave a comment.


If you want a copy of the e-book, just leave a comment.  ðŸ˜Š
