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Family Goals

Having a young family of three, I was excited to get my copy of Family Goals, Embracing the Imperfections of Family Life by Ms. Michele Alignay.  Just the same with our health, prevention is better than cure when it comes to our relationships.  I was interested to read this book because I thought it could help prevent issues and other problems in our family; it is better to be enlightened and prepared than wait for things to go wrong, right?   And wouldn't it be nice to read the advice of someone who is an expert in family life?  Ms. Michelle, or Ichel, is a registered psychologist and a registered guidance counselor.  Not only that, she is also a speaker and a columnist of Kerygma magazine.

Tell you what, I was not wrong about this book.  It really is full of wisdom, and as I browsed through the pages, I was amazed by Ichel's expertise on the subject.  At the same time, even though the topic was serious, she wrote it in an engaging manner, without forgetting to inject some funny anecdotes.

There are also allotted spaces in the book where you can write your insights and reflections.  Chapter 11 was my favorite.  The topic is Growing Through the Years in Love, Gentleness and Kindness.  I still could not relate to other chapters of the book but I found it worthwhile to read all the chapters.  I can share the information I read to other moms who I get to meet through events and other activities.  There are times, when a fellow mom shares her struggles and challenges with me.  Sometimes, they ask for my advice but I could not share any inputs or suggestions because I am just a new mom.  But now, thanks to Ichel's book, somehow I will be more confident to give advice to fellow moms who are dealing with family problems and marital conflicts.  Of course, only if they ask for it.  

My autographed copy

I highly recommend this book- two thumbs up and a must-read for every parent and every family.  We all should take advantage of tools that can bring added value to our family lives-such as this book from Ichel.  And it does not even cost much.  To get your copy, just go to  If you have read this book already, I would also love to hear your thoughts on it.  Just email me at or
