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Pregnancy Lab Tests and Procedure at St. Luke's BGC

Here are the lab tests and procedure that were requested by my OB.  Again, this will be helpful to other moms and also to myself for comparison with my next pregnancy.

8 weeks 4 days
Papsmear procedure P700 (OB fee) plus P882 (st luke's papsmear lab fee)
Transvaginal Ultrasound P2293.20

11 weeks 3 days
CBC P441
Urinalysis P270

24 weeks
Congenital Anomaly Scan P2910.60

24 weeks 4 days
1 Hour OGCT P970.20
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen P1058.40
Rapid Plasma Reagin(RPR) P529.50
Immuno Assay P2028.60
Anti-Tetanus Vaccine P700

25 weeks 4 days
3 hrs OGTT (100g) P1764

28 weeks 1 day
Anti-Tetanus Vaccine P700

30 weeks 1 day
Urinalysis P270
Blood Typing P390
