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Hi-precision vs St. Luke's BGC

Hi-precision BGC (5523310 5501735)
St. Luke's BGC (7897700 loc 2062)

The second rates are from st luke's bgc

3-hr ogtt (100g) P750

Hep B P250


RPR/syphilis P175

CAS P3000

CBC P150 vs P525 after 6-8 hrs

Urinalysis P100 vs P321 after 2-3 hrs

TVS P950

Anti-tetanus x 2 P500@ vs P700@

HIV P310

blood typing P275 vs P250

Glycosylated Hb P450 vs P1500 after 6-8 hrs

biophysical scoring P1800 TTh 230-3 vs P2293.20 first come first served 8am to 5pm 15-20 mins
